Car Accidents

The most common personal injury claim. First, remember that the insurance company is not your friend. They are in the business of keeping not paying money. Do not give a statement to an insurance adjuster until you have a lawyer on your side.

You have a right to fair payment for the value of your car or repair costs, rental and decreased value after repairs. A lawyer can investigate to prove the fault of the other driver, work with your doctors to present your strongest claim, and find out exactly what insurance coverage and payment you are entitled to receive. Insurance coverages can be complicated and you may be entitled to much more than you think. A lawsuit can be filed if necessary to force the insurance company to pay a fair settlement.

You are entitled to receive payment for doctor, hospital, prescription, test, chiropractic physical therapy and other medical expenses. This is often true even if your charges have been paid by a health insurance provider. Lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress are also damages allowed under the law. Photographs of the damaged vehicles, the roadway, cuts and bruises and witness statements can make the difference between winning and losing your case.

Serious permanent auto injury or death cases may require expert accident reconstruction and analysis. Evidence gathered early can save time and money later and be the difference between a fair settlement and the uncertainty of a trial.